sophie_goderie Aan de Amsterdamse grachten❤️ #vrouwaanhetstuur #gaatprima #amsterdam #water #grachten

All paintings you’ll find on this website are unique, with each of them presenting their own story. As an artist, I choose to use different styles to distinguish myself from artist using one specific style.
On Kunst-Stof there are multiple collections and the option to have your own personalized portrait made. On this website you can find all our products, from bags and other accessories to the portraits that we have made. It’s also possible to buy your own personalized painted jacket or bag. Love, SophieCheck out our products
Currently, we have three different categories when it comes to products that are already available. A collection of paintings, jackets and bags. Click here to see for yourself!
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I keep everyone posted about new projects and creative ideas on my personal Instagram page. It is also a great way to stay up to date with my life and with our cute dog, Sir George!